Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy and Our Standards

Our privacy policy is clear! We consider all information Private. All information you submit through Sales, order forms, email registration, post or text, and any other means of marketing to be private. We do not offer, share, or sell your information to anyone.

No.51 East Village
Long Beach, CA 90800
(424) 235-5204

California Online Privacy Protection Act Compliance

Because we value your privacy we have taken the necessary precautions to comply with the California Online Privacy Protection Act. We, therefore, will not distribute your personal information to outside parties without your consent. As part of the California Online Privacy Protection Act, all users of our site may make any changes to their information at any time by logging into their control panel and going to the ‘Edit Profile page.

Return/ Shipping

Return Policy or Exchanges: We have a simple policy. “No Return” and a “No Exchange Policy” on purchases made through online channels, onsite, or special events. This policy is in place to protect product and brand integrity from manipulations or copies. We understand the customer may change their mind about the purchase. We request any changes needed to be made immediately in writing upon receipt of the item to make arrangements. Purchases made online or onsite are subject to no return or exchanges. We understand hats may not fit as expected. To save time, you must notify us of the situation within 24 hours of receiving your hat.

We do not accept returns or exchanges on purchases made online. We do not accept returns or exchanges on purchases made through pre-order sales. We do not accept returns on purchases made in person. We do accept returns for “same-day purchases”. Returns or exchanges may apply when merchandise is purchased the same day as the return requested. Onsite there are no returns or exchanges accepted past 2 hours of purchase.

Shipping & Rates: We make every effort to ship your hat within 24 hours of confirmation.

We take precautions when shipping to prevent damage before arrival. The rate cost is posted on every sales channel and set by the service provider. On the occasions we do ship free, we will use UPS or USPS to fulfill your order promptly and without delays.

California’s Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986; (“Prop 65”)

— California’s Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, often referred to as Proposition 65 (“Prop 65”), requires businesses to warn California consumers about the presence of any one of the over 900 carcinogens and reproductive toxicants on the Prop 65 list, whether or not they are intentionally added to a product Link – “WARNING” – (“Prop 65”)